Saturday, July 14, 2018


                           A LETTER TO GOD
                              G.L. Fuentes                                             
                              (Questions & their Answers)
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Very short answer type questions bearing one mark each:----

Q.1)  Who was Lencho?

Ans:-  Lencho was a hard working Letin American farmer.

Q.2) Where was Lencho’s house situated?

Ans:- Lenco’s house was situated on the crest of a low hill.

Q.3) What did Lencho hope for?

Ans:- Lencho hoped that there would be a good shower for his corn.

Q.4) How many houses were there in the Valley?

Ans:- There was only one house in the entire Valley.

Q.5 What did fall along with the rain?

Ans:- The hailstorm had begun to fall along with the rain.

Q.6) For how long did the hail rain?    
Ans:- For an hour.

Q.7) How did the field look after the hailstorm?

Ans:- After the hailstorm, the entire Valley was covered with the hailstone and the fields were white as it covered with salt.

Q.8) What was the only one hope for Lencho?

Ans:- The help from God was the only one hope for Lencho.

Q.9) To whom did Lencho write a letter?

Ans:-  Lencho wrote a letter to God.

Q.10) what is a Peso?

Ans:-  A Peso was the currency of several Latin American Countries of that time.
Q.11) Who read the letter?

Ans:- It was the postmaster who read the letter.

Q.12) What type of a man was the postmaster?

Ans:-  The postmaster was a kind-hearted, friendly and amiable man.

Q.13) Who send the money to Lencho?

Ans:-  Postmaster.

Q.14) How much money did Lencho receive?

Ans:-  Lencho received only 70 pesos.

Q.15) Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?

Ans:- No, he was not surprised. He was certain that God would send him the money.

Q.16) Who wrote the prose piece “A LETTER TO GOD”?

Ans:-  G.L. FUENTES the prose piece “A LETTER TO GOD”.

Q.17) What happened as a result of hailstone?

Ans:-  As a result of hailstone, the paddy fields become white and the crops were totally destroyed.

Q.18) What is a hailstorm?

Ans:-  A hailstorm is heavy rainfall alongwith the rains.

Q.19) Why did the postmaster become serious suddenly?

Ans:-  The postmaster became serious suddenly on noticing the faith of Lencho upon God.

Q.20) Why did Lencho get angry?

Ans:-  Lencho got angry because he asked for a hundred pesos but received only seventy pesos.

Q.21) Why did the postmaster decide to answer the letter?

Ans:-  The postmaster decided to answer the letter in order to keep the writer’s (Lencho’s) faith in God

Short answer type questions bearing two marks each:----

Q.1) What are the things that could be seen from Lencho’s house?

Ans:- The river, the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers etc. are the things that could be seen from Lencho’s house.

Q.2) Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins’?

Ans:- Lencho hoped that these drops of rain would give him a good crop and then he would have a rich store of corn for his family. That was why he called the raindrops ‘new coins’.

Q.3) How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho’s fields?

Ans:- The rain turned into a very large hailstorm. Instantly the entire Valley covered with the hailstone. It destroyed Lencho’s crop completely.

Q.4) Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?

Ans:- Lencho had faith in help from God. He wrote a letter to God saying that he needed a hundred pesos to sow his field again.

Q.5) Who read the letter?

Ans:- It was the postmaster who read the letter.

Q.6) What did the postmaster do then?

Ans:- The postmaster at first laughed. But then he became serious. He was deeply moved by the writer’s faith in God. He did not want to shake this faith. So he decided to collect the money and send it to Lencho.

Q.7) What made him angry?

Ans:- Lencho had asked God for one hundred pesos. But he found only seventy pesos in the letter that he had received. He thought the post office people had stolen his money. It was this thought that made him angry.

Q.8) Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter ‘God’?

Ans:-  The postmaster was a very kind-hearted, friendly and amiable man. In order not to shake Lencho’s faith in God, the postmaster himself collected money and sent it to Lencho.
                     The postmaster signed the letter as “God” because Lencho should think that the money had been sent by God.

Q.9) How did the postmaster gather money for Lencho?

Ans:-  The postmaster collected the money from his employees and friends. He himself gave a part of the salary. Thus, he gathered money for Lencho.

Q10) Why does Lencho call the post office employees as ‘a bunch of crooks’?

Ans:-  Lencho called the post office employees as ‘a bunch of crooks’ because he thought that they have cheated him by taking thirty pesos.

Q.11) Why did Lencho write a letter to God?
Ans:-  Lencho had deep faith in God. His crop was completely destroyed by the hailstorm and all his work had gone to waste. His only hope was help from God. Lencho thought on the problem all through the night. He decided to write to God about his problem. So in the morning, he wrote a letter to God asking him to send a hundred pesos enabling him to sow a new crop and also not to go hungry till the next crop came up. That was why he wrote a letter to God.

Q.12) Give the character sketch of Lencho?

Ans:-  Lencho was a hard-working farmer. He lived in a lonely place. He works like an ox in his field. He was a capable farmer who was able to grow the corn crop. When his crop was completely destroyed by the hailstorm, he was filled with sadness. He feared that he would have no corn that year. He thought that his family would starve. His only hope was the help from God. He had deep faith in God. He believed that God alone could help him in his condition. So, he decided to write a letter to God. He was sure that God will help him. But he was wrong in calling the post office employees a bunch of crooks.

Q.13) Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?

Ans:- No. Lencho was not at all surprised to see the letter from God with money inside it. His confidence and faith in God was such that he had expected that reply from God.

Q.14) What made him angry?

Ans:- When he finished counting moneyhe found only seventy pesos. But he demanded hundred pesos. He was confident that God could neither make a mistake nor deny him what he had requested. Therefore, he concluded that the post office employees must have taken the remaining thirty pesos.
Q.15) Who does Lencho have complete faith in? Which sentences in the story tell you this?

Ans:- Lencho had complete faith in God. The sentences in the story that show this are as follows:
(i) But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope: help from God.
(ii) All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience.
(iii) “God,” he wrote, “if you don’t help me, my family and I will go hungry this year.”
(iv) He wrote ‘To God’ on the envelope, put the letter inside and, still troubled, went to town.
(v) God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.

(vi) It said: “God: of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much.”

Q.16) Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation? [Remember that the irony of a situation is an unexpected aspect of it. An ironic situation is strange or amusing because it is the opposite of what is expected.]

Ans:- Lencho thinks that the post office people have taken the money. It is the post office people who send the money to Lencho. But, on the other hand, Lencho thinks they have stolen his money. He calls them crooks. Thus there is an element of irony in this situation.

Click here for the question answers of  Nelson  Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom by N.R. Mandela