Sunday, January 20, 2019

Notes On Tea From Assam

"Tea From Assam" by Arup Kumar Datta

Tea Garden Of Assam

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Q.1) Who is Pranjol?

Ans:- Pranjol is a youngster from Assam who reads in a school in Delhi.

Q.2) Who is Rajvir?

Ans:- Rajvir is a classmate of Pranjol.

Q.3) How many cups of tea are drunk throughout the world everyday?

Ans:- Over eighty crore cups of tea are drunk throughout the world everyday.

Q.4) What genre of literature did Pranjol like to read?

Ans:- Pranjol liked to read detective stories.

Q.5) Write about the legends concerning the discovery of tea.

Q.5) Narrate briefly Rajib's remarks on the discovery of tea and the legends that surround it.

Ans:- There are two legends concerning the discovery of tea as
      The first legend tells that a Chinese emperor had always got water boiled before drinking. One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water giving it a delicious flavour. It is said they were tea leaves.
         There is another legend. According to the legend once in ancient India there was an ascetic named Bodhidharma, who cut off his eye lids because he fell sleepy during meditations. Then tea plants grew out of the eyelids. The leaves of these plants when put into hot water and drunk banished sleep.

Q.6) When tea went to Europe?

Ans:- Tea went to Europe in the sixteenth century.

Q.7) What is Pranjol's father?

Ans:- Pranjol's father is the manager of a tea-estate called Dhekiabari Tea Estate in Upper Assam.

Q.8) ‘You seem to have done your homework before coming.'- who said this?

Ans:- Mr. Barua said this to Rajvir.

Q.9) Where and when tea was first drunk?

Ans:- Tea was first drunk in China as far back as 2700 B. C.

Q.10) Give a description of Dhekiabari tea-garden as seen by Pranjol and Rajvir when they were driven through it.
Q.10) Give a description of the magnificent view of tea garden seen by Rajib from the railway train?

Ans:- When Pranjol and Rajvir were driven through Dhekiabari Tea-garden they crossed a cattle bridge and entered the Tea-Estate. There they saw acre upon acre of tea bushes on both sides of the gravel road. All the tea bushes were neatly pruned to the same height. They saw the groups of tea-pluckers with bamboo baskets on their backs. The groups were plucking the newly sprouted leaves.

Other Questions & Answers

Q.1. Describe the scenery outside the train. Where were Pranjol and Rajvir going by train?

Ans:- There were green, green forests everywhere. Rajvir had never seen such greenery before. He was going to Assam with his friend. Soon the soft green paddy fields gave way to tea bushes. Both of them were going to Assam. Pranjol’s father Mr. Barua was the manager of a tea garden in Upper Assam.

Q.2. What did they see on both side of the gravel-road?

Ans:- While travelling they saw tea bushes. On both sides they saw acres of tea bushes. They were all neatly pruned to the same height. Groups of tea-pluckers had bamboo-baskets on their back. 

Q.3. Why was Pranjol’s father was surprised?

Ans:- Pranjol’s father was surprised when Rajvir showed how much he knew about tea by saying that it was the second flush or sprouting period and that it lasted from May to July and yielded the best tea.

Q.4.  At which station did the boys stop and who received them?

Ans:- The boy got down at Mariani junction.

Q.5. What are the two Legends about Tea?

Ans:-   Chinese legend :-
A Chinese emperor always boiled water before drinking it. One day a few leaves of branches burning under the pot fell into the water. It gave a delicious flavour. These were tea leaves.
        Indian legend:-                
Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditations. Ten tea plants grew out of his eyelids. These leaves when put in hot water and drunk, banished sleep.


  1. Replies
    1. Ki kar mura tur baper mura bhal answer dile kar mura diya toi kun

    2. Really it's vry nice answer.. And don't tell like this.. He is just helping us for our better performance..

    3. Class 10r question answer disee

      apuni buji napai diyokπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

  2. Very nice ... I liked it very much
    It was very helpful for me

  3. bikash ki comment kora he
    bohut bhal answer

  4. It's a very nice answers.this are very helpful

  5. Very helpful.Thanks for the notes😊😊😊....

  6. It's really helpful for us, for our study. Thanks to all.

  7. Thanks a lot for the answers.I hope it will help me in my exam .
